

Behavioral Health 服务 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 provides comprehensive care for patients 和 their families.

We first conduct a comprehensive bio-psychosocial evaluation to determine your specific needs. 基于这些结果, our team will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan; including transition planning that meets your needs. We offer multiple therapy options including crisis-oriented intensive family counseling, 夫妻治疗, 和 individual skill teaching to increase tolerance 和 regulation of feelings.


  • 成人住院病人行为保健
  • 青少年住院患者行为保健
  • 部分住院计划


The Guthrie 乳房护理中心 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 offers a comprehensive program providing low dose 乳房x光检查 services, on-site clinical breast exams, specialized diagnostic care 和 breast education. Women who are at an increased risk for breast cancer can receive specialized services at our 高危乳房门诊. The center is accredited by the Mammography Quality St和ards Act (MQSA) 和 accredited in Stereotactic Breast Biopsy by the American College of Radiology (ACR).

To learn more about Guthrie’s comprehensive 乳房护理中心 services 和 recommendations for screening, 点击这里.


  • 星期一:早上8点.m. 到下午4点.m.
  • 星期二:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m
  • 星期三:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m
  • 星期四:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m
  • 星期五:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m


The Guthrie Sayre Cancer Center 和 Infusion Center offers access to clinical trials, 遗传咨询, 支持服务, medical 和 radiation oncology 和 treatment for patients who require frequent medication delivered via infusion, 所有的设计都是为了让病人感到舒适.  在世界博彩公司十大排名,我们提供最高标准的癌症治疗. We can help even if you do not have a definitive diagnosis or if previous medical tests have not determined the type or stage of your cancer.

点击这里 了解更多世界博彩公司十大排名的癌症护理和输液服务.


  • 星期一:早上8点.m. 到5点.m.
  • 星期二:上午8点.m. 到5点.m
  • 星期三:上午8点.m. 到5点.m
  • 星期四:上午8点.m. 到5点.m
  • 星期五:上午8点.m. 到5点.m


The Guthrie 心脏血管中心 provides comprehensive care to determine the best treatment options for cardiac 和 vascular disease.

格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 Chest Pain Center offers highly-trained staff, available to evaluate 和 treat patients with chest pain 和 is an accredited Chest Pain Center by the Society for Chest Pain Center.

要了解更多关于世界博彩公司十大排名的心脏和血管服务, 点击这里.


Dialysis services at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 are offered six days a week. 我们的肾病专家团队, 护士, 社会工作者和营养师共同提供全面的护理.


急诊室24小时开放, 7天的评估和治疗伤病. 现场直升机停机坪可迅速方便创伤患者或转移. 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 is the region’s 宾西法尼亚 创伤 Systems Foundation accredited level II 创伤中心. Our 创伤中心 provides patient-centered care from our team of fellowship-trained trauma physicians specializing in trauma, 紧急手术和重症监护. Our specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to care for seriously injured patients.


The 38 bed intensive care unit features state-of-the-art technology 和 a patient 和 family-centered approach to healing from our multidisciplinary team of providers. Our intensive care unit includes a newly exp和ed unit featuring in-room monitoring systems, 专门的家庭区域和豆荚概念,专门治疗医疗, 外科和心脏病人.


世界博彩公司十大排名·罗伯特·帕克医院的产房有九名产妇, 交付, 复苏, 和 postpartum suites; five additional postpartum beds; 和 a dedicated surgical suite for cesarean 交付.

位于设施的九楼, the unit offers the peace of mind that comes with both privacy 和 discreet but strict security.

点击这里 to learn more about labor 和 交付 care at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院. 点击这里查看我们的婴儿图片库.


The 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 Laboratory provides inpatient 和 outpatient services include blood draw 和 on-site clinical testing. The laboratory is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of 实验室服务.


  • 星期一:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期二:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期三:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期四:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期五:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期六:早上7点.m. 到12点.m.


格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 医学成像 provides a wide range of diagnostic 和 therapeutic imaging studies, 包括:

  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)和磁共振成像(MRI)
  • 带有计算机辅助检测和包括筛选的数字乳房x线照相术, 诊断和活检程序
  • 急诊和创伤影像研究
  • 介入放射学服务
  • 核医学包括核心脏病学和SPECT/CT
  • 正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描(PET/CT)
  • 超声包括血管和产科超声
  • x光透视和透视



康复科提供 物理治疗,职业治疗, 语言治疗 和 心脏康复 对住院和门诊病人都适用. 预约由医生介绍.


  • 星期一:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期二:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期三:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期四:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.
  • 星期五:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m.


  • 星期一:早上6:30.m. 到下午12:30.m
  • 星期二:早上6:30.m. 到下午12:30.m
  • 星期三:早上6:30.m. 到下午12:30.m
  • 星期四:早上6:30.m. 到下午12:30.m
  • 星期五:早上6:30.m. 到下午12:30.m


格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 offers overnight sleep studies to test 和 diagnoses a wide range of sleep disorders 包括:

  • 睡眠呼吸暂停
  • 周期性肢体运动障碍
  • 猝睡症
  • 睡眠异常和夜间癫痫

格斯里罗伯特帕克医院’s six quiet private rooms have state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment in a comfortable atmosphere available for studies seven days a week. Sleep center services also include home sleep testing capabilities for patients who are unable to travel. The sleep centers diagnostic staff includes Registered Respiratory therapists (RRT), Registered Pololysomnographic Technologists (RPSGT) 和 Board Eligible Polysomnographic Technicians.

To schedule a sleep study at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 call 570-887-4639.


格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 offers advanced surgical care from highly-trained surgeons ranging from in-office care to major reconstructive surgery to minimally invasive procedures. Specialty surgical services offered at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 include:

  • 心脏
  • 结直肠
  • 美容和重建
  • 胃肠病学
  • 普通外科
  • 妇产科
  • 肿瘤
  • 眼科
  • 口腔外科
  • 以关节置换术为专长的骨科, 肩膀修复, 运动医学和普通骨科
  • 耳鼻喉科(耳、鼻、喉)
  • 创伤
  • 泌尿道的
  • 血管手术
  • 减肥


格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 is the region’s 宾西法尼亚 创伤 Systems Foundation accredited level I 创伤中心. Our 创伤中心 provides patient-centered care from our team of fellowship-trained trauma physicians specializing in trauma, 紧急手术和重症监护. Our specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to care for seriously injured patients.