Support and Excellent Care on Your Breast Cancer Journey

Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be daunting and scary. You and your family can rely on our support through your cancer journey and take comfort that we're here with you every step of the way. 

Your team includes specialists from many areas working together. We can treat all types of breast cancers at all stages, including:

  • Estrogen receptor-positive (ER-positive) breast cancer
  • 激素受体阳性乳腺癌
  • Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) positive breast cancer
  • 三阴性乳腺癌
  • 炎性乳腺癌
  • 转移性乳腺癌


Breast cancer starts when abnormal cells begin to grow out of control and crowd out normal cells in the breast. These cells form a tumor that can be seen on a mammogram or felt as a lump in your breast. Breast cancer occurs mostly in women but can also occur in men. 乳腺癌的症状包括:

  • 肿块
  • 乳头溢液
  • 皮肤的变化

If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your primary care provider. Or make an appointment with our breast specialist by calling 866-GUTHRIE (866-488-4743).


乳房x光检查 is the best and most accurate screening method for most women. We recommend women of average risk be screened annually beginning at age 40.

If you have a history of breast cancer in your family you may be at higher than average risk for developing breast cancer. 和你的医生谈谈你的风险. More frequent and additional types of screening may be appropriate.

我们提供 乳腺癌高危门诊 to help you understand your risk and decide the best screening methods and breast health plan for you.

Call 866-GUTHRIE (866-488-4743) to schedule a screening mammogram.


Many women have lumps that are benign (not cancer) in their breast. If an irregularity is found on a mammogram, you may need further imaging or a biopsy. Most biopsies can be done without surgery by a radiologist. Your evaluation may also include an appointment with a breast surgeon who will review results and help you develop a plan of care.


  • 3 d乳房x光检查
  • 乳房超声检查
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)
  • 乳房核磁共振成像
  • mri引导下活检
  • 活组织检查


Your oncologist works with you on the best plan of care for your type of cancer and your health. Breast cancer treatment plans may include a combination of:


Guthrie doctors specially trained in the care of breast cancer patients including breast radiologists, 乳腺外科医生, 塑料/整形外科医生, 放射学和医学肿瘤学家.


We meet the rigorous standards of the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, a quality program of the American College of Surgeons.

Women at higher risk for developing breast cancer can benefit from extra support evaluating and planning their breast health.


Doctors and providers from across specialties discuss every patient to organize the best plan of treatment for her or him across the system. Many patients are able to participate in the MDC when appropriate in their cancer journey. 病人 meet with multiple specialists on the same day in the same location to discuss their coordinated care plan.


Cancer nurse navigators help you understand your diagnosis, support you through your cancer journey, 指导你了解卫生系统. We have a navigator who is dedicated to supporting breast cancer patients.


Help you and your family with emotions and give support. They also help identify community resources that can be helpful.

Physical therapists help you maintain your strength and stability throughout treatment. After surgery, occupational therapists and physical therapist help you regain range of motion

如果你被诊断患有淋巴水肿, we have occupational and physical therapists who are certified in lymphedema treatment.

Guthrie Clinical 研究 offers you treatment options not available in most hospitals.


Find breast cancer care at one of our convenient regional locations.

