

当你消息灵通的时候, 参与治疗决策, 与你的医生和其他健康专业人员开诚布公地交流, 你帮助使你的护理尽可能有效. 在罗伯特·帕克医院, 我们鼓励尊重每个人的个人喜好和价值观.

  • 你有权得到称职的工作人员的尊重和照顾, 以及时和尽量减少不适的方式合理地获得护理.
  • 你有权利 to expect emergency procedures to be implemented without unnecessary delay.
  • 你有权利 to considerate and respectful 护理 with consideration of your psychosocial, 精神上的, 文化价值观可能会影响我们对疾病和护理的看法. 你有权利 to good quality 护理 and high professional standards that are continually maintained and reviewed.
  • 只要你认为医疗上有必要,你就有权要求治疗, 并参与你的护理计划的制定和实施.
  • You or your authorized representative have the right to be well informed in layman’s terms about your illness, 可能的治疗方法和可能的结果包括意想不到的结果, and to discuss this information with 你的医生 so that you may make an informed decision. 
  • 你有权知道治疗你的人的名字和角色.
  • 你有权同意或拒绝接受医疗护理或治疗, 法律允许的, 并被告知这种拒绝的医疗后果.  如果您拒绝推荐的治疗,您将接受其他必要和可用的治疗. 你有权利, 除了紧急情况, for the physician to obtain necessary informed consent prior to the start of any procedure or treatment or both.
  • 你有权利 to a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney and to have hospital staff and practitioners who provide 护理 in the hospital comply with these directives.  These documents express your choices about your future 护理 and name someone to make decisions for you if you cannot speak for yourself.  如果你有书面的预先指示, 你应该提供一份复印件给医院, 你的家人, 你的医生呢?.
  • 你有权利 to receive 护理 in a safe setting and be free from all forms of abuse and harassment.
  • 你有权免受身体和精神上的虐待和体罚.  你也有权不受约束, 任何形式的, 强制的:作为强制手段强加的, 纪律, 方便, 或者被员工报复.  只有在确保患者即时人身安全的情况下,才能实施约束, 工作人员, 或其他, 必须尽早停止使用.
  • 你有权利 to personal privacy and confidentiality of information, within limits of the law.  医院, 你的医生, 而其他照顾你的人会尽可能地保护你的隐私, 包括在哪里检查和讨论你的护理.
  • 你有权利 to expect that treatment records and communications will be kept confidential unless you give permission to release information or law requires information reporting. 当医院把记录泄露给其他人的时候, 比如保险公司, 它强调这些记录是保密的.
  • You and your legally designated representative have the right to access and review information contained in your medical records within a reasonable time frame or as required by law unless restricted for medical and/or legal reasons.
  •  您有权在推荐时安全转介或转移.    If transfer is recommended or requested, you will be informed of risks, benefits, and alternatives.  除非另一所学校同意录取你,否则你不能转学.
  • 你有权利 to know if this hospital has relationships with outside parties that may in流感ence your treatment and 护理.  These relationships may be with 教育al institutions, other health 护理 providers or insurers.
  • 你有权利 to be informed of any research or clinical trials affecting your 护理 and to consent or decline to take part in research affecting your 护理.  如果你选择不参加, 你将得到医院提供的最有效的治疗.
  •  你有权利 to inform hospital staff about your concerns and complaints regarding your 护理, 哪些不会影响你未来的护理.  您有权要求对您的护理问题进行审查, including coverage decisions and discharge concerns and expect a timely response in a manner that you can understand.  
  • 您或您指定的代表有权了解医院的资源, 比如经理, 病人倡导者和道德委员会,可以帮助你处理投诉, 不满或道德问题.  
  • 你有权利 to have a family member or representative of your choice or your own physician notified of your admission to the hospital.
  • 您有权以您理解的方式接收信息,  including to have access to a translator / interpreter free of charge if you do not speak or understand English or are hearing impaired.  This also includes providing you with help if you have speech, vision or cognitive impairments.
  • 你有权利 to assistance in obtaining consultation with another physician at your request and expense.
  • 你有权利 to medical and nursing services without discrimination based upon age, 性, 比赛, color, 宗教, 性取向, 收入, 教育, 国家的起源, 祖先, 婚姻状况, 文化, 语言, 残疾, 性别认同, 或者谁来为你买单.
  • 你有权利 to expect that the hospital will get your permission before taking photos, 记录或拍摄你,如果目的不是为了证明你的身份, 护理, 诊断或治疗.
  • 你有权利 to examine and receive a detailed explanation of your bill and charges. 你有权就如何支付你的医院账单接受咨询.
  • 你有权被告知出院的事, 接受后续护理的指导, 参与决定你出院后的护理计划. 
  • 你有权利 not to be denied access to an individual or agency that is authorized to act on your behalf to assert or protect your rights as described in this document.
  • 你有权进行有效的疼痛管理.
  •  经您同意,您有权接待您指定的来访者.
  • 你有权知道规则是什么, 规章和责任适用于你作为病人的行为.
  • 你有权利 to be informed of your rights as soon as possible during your hospital stay.


  • 您有责任提供有关您的健康的准确和完整的信息, 包括过去或现在的疾病, 住院时间和药物使用.
  • You are responsible for asking questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
  • You are responsible for telling 你的医生 if you believe you can’t follow through with your treatment.  You are responsible for your actions if you refuse 护理 or do not follow your plan of 护理.
  • You and your visitors are responsible for being considerate of the needs of other patients, 员工和医院.
  • 你有责任遵守医院的指示, 政策, rules and regulations in place to support quality 护理 for patients and a safe environment for all individuals in the hospital.
  • You are responsible for providing information about your insurance coverage and for working with the hospital to arrange payment and meet financial commitments.
  • 你有责任认识到生活方式对你个人健康的影响.
  • 如果您正在接受当天的手术或镇静或麻醉的过程, you are responsible for having an adult of at least 18 years of age with you to receive discharge instructions and to drive you home.  此人必须留在医院或立即通过手机联系到他.


护理质量和安全是我们的首要任务.  如果您发现安全或护理质量问题, 我们强烈建议您或您的家人立即向我们报告.  您可以书面、电子邮件、电话或亲自提出申请.  请联络下列人士之一:

  • 照顾你的人;
  • 部门经理;
  • 5812分机的病人辩护律师;
  • the Hospital President or the administrator on call by calling the hospital operator; or
  • 合规热线:1-888-841-4644





  1. At www.jointcommission.org using the “Report a Patient Safety Event” link in the “Action Center” on the home page of the website
  2. 传真至630-792-5636
  3. 邮寄至质素及病人安全办事处(OQPS), 联合委员会, 文艺复兴大道一号, lisle的露台, 伊利诺斯州60181

如果您是医疗保险受益人或受益人的发言人, 你亦可向以下机构投诉:




