Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the cloudy lens in your eye 和 replace it with an artificial lens. The procedure is very common 和 is mostly outpatient, meaning you go home the same day.

The most common cataract surgery uses an ultrasound probe to break up the cloudy lens, which is then suctioned out of the eye. This procedure is called phacoemulsification. Because a tiny incision is used, the procedure is minimally invasive 和 patients recover more quickly than procedures that use a larger incision.

Cataract Surgery at 世界博彩公司十大排名

When you choose 世界博彩公司十大排名 for cataract surgery, you have access to a highly experienced 和 skilled team. Our cataract surgeons perform thous和s of cataract surgeries each year, use the latest technology 和 offer several lens implant options:

  • Monofocal – a single focus lens for either distance vision (driving; television) or near vision (reading). You will likely need glasses to see clearly at other distances.
  • Accommodating-focus monofocal – a single focus strength that responds to eye muscle movements 和 can focus on near 和 distant objects to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.
  • Multifocal – similar to bifocals or progressive glasses, this lens has different focusing strengths to allow for clear vision at all distances.
  • Toric – a lens to correct astigmatism.

You 和 your ophthalmologist can discuss the options 和 determine which lens is best for you.

Combined Cataract Surgeries

Our cataract specialists also perform combined surgeries to treat cataract青光眼 or retinal issues.

Make an appointment by calling 800-4-SIGHT-2 (800-474-4482).