


Admission is granted only for the fall semester and the Admissions Committee will select candidates based on:

  • 高中毕业证书或GED
  • 提交高中和/或大学成绩单
  • 填妥的申请表格及不退还费用.
  • 分数达到85% (B/ 3)者优先.2)优先选择科学和数学课程,包括:代数I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, 解剖学与生理学, Chemistry, Physics, 生物,ACE或AP科学和数学课程.
  • SAT scores if available (Preferred high school criteria is a minimum of a 1000 combined score of math and critical reading)
  • Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA required to be considered for transfer into the 放射技术 Program. 转学申请者必须具备较强的科学和数学背景.
  • 完整的个人面试和实习经历(如果可能的话)


  • 读小字,写清晰的笔记
  • 说话清晰,让别人听懂
  • 熟练操作无菌和非无菌仪器
  • 当讲话者戴着面具,听话者的耳朵被帽子盖住时,你就可以听
  • 扶起、移动和协助病人
  • 操作x射线设备
  • 必要时穿戴防护围裙和个人防护装备
  • 在没有协助的情况下,进入所有临床区域
  • 完成所有心肺复苏术动作

Applicants must comply with clinical affiliate health requirements, including vaccine requirements.

  • Each clinical site that has graciously agreed to accept Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania (“CUP”) students maintain their own policies and procedures.  这些政策不在CUP的职权范围之内, 但未能遵守本网站的政策, 包括疫苗接种, 是否会导致学生无法完成临床要求.  Students must comply with the policies and procedures of the site in order to complete the educational experience in good standing. Failure to complete the clinical experience may result in a delay in completing the educational program, 授予学位和/或参加认证/执照的能力.  Any CUP students who anticipate an issue in complying with these policies should contact their advisor as soon as possible.


Applicants must submit a completed application with the non-refundable fee to the University Admissions Department along with high school/college transcripts and SAT and/or ACT scores.  The Enrollment Services Department selects candidates who meet the minimum program admission requirements and transfers this information to the Program Director of the 放射技术 Program for review by the program Admissions Committee. 

Class size is limited and only applicants with acceptable SAT scores (if available) and a solid high school and/or college math and science background are granted a personal interview. 首选的数学和科学课程是代数I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, 解剖学与生理学, Chemistry, Physics, 生物,ACE或AP科学和数学课程.

面试过程中, applicants will receive information about the program and will participate in a shadowing experience within the Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital Radiology Department, if possible.  Interviewees will receive information regarding their acceptance status from the program director within 48 hours and Mansfield University Admissions Office within approximately two weeks following the interview.

Applicants who receive a rejection letter may reapply to the program after completing math and science college level courses.  完成的课程必须包括解剖学和生理学I和大学代数.  A minimum grade of grade of "C-" must be attained in each course to be reconsidered for acceptance.  Applicants who request re-consideration will be admitted on a space-available basis and their scores will be considered with other applicant scores at the time of re-consideration.    

Alternate Status

In addition to the ten majors, the program accepts a minimum of three alternate students annually.  Alternate status enables the applicant to begin their studies at the University in the fall semester under the Academic Exploration Program and take all the required courses within the 放射技术 program's fall curriculum.

如果在秋季学期有空缺, 替代学生将被考虑完全接受进入该计划.  被录取的候补学生每门课程的成绩必须至少达到“C”, 以及BIOL 180人体解剖学平均分最高的学生 & Physiology I, RADT 110 X-ray Technology I, 数学118大学代数 will be accepted first.

如果替代学生在秋季学期未被录取, they may continue taking general education courses required within the 放射技术 Program at Mansfield University.  They are guaranteed acceptance into the 放射技术 Program for the following spring provided they have attained a minimum grade of "C" in RADT 110 X-Ray Technology I and a minimum grade of “C-“ in BIOL 180 Human 解剖学与生理学 I, 数学118大学代数.  They must also attain a passing grade in all attempted general education courses within the 放射技术 program’s curriculum.


Additional program information and University admissions applications can be found on the University website www.mansfield.edu  您也可以联系项目主任:(570)887-4007;  Maryk.sullivan@selenaumbrella.net ; msulliva@commonwealthu.edu


得到适当的考虑, 申请应不迟于1月15日收到. 1月15日之后提交的申请将在可用空间的基础上接受.

Transfer Credit

相应的大学水平的课程可以获得相应的学分. 有关转学分的问题,请联系招生办  Admissions@mansfield.edu


Any University student who would like to be considered for acceptance into the 放射技术 Program must contact the Program Director by phone: (570) 887-4007 or by e-mail: MaryK.Sullivan@selenaumbrella.net ; msulliva@commonwealthu.edu. Students must contact the registrar’s Office at University and request that the following documents be sent to the program Director:

  • 学生申请大学的原始材料
  • 所有成绩单,包括大学成绩单

The Admissions Committee will consider the request using the same acceptance criteria as for external applicants.  所有候选人将由项目主任通知他们的最终申请状态.  收到录取通知后,考生将完成专业变更流程.


Admission to the program is determined by the applicant’s academic and personal qualifications. Decisions are reached without regard to race; color; religion; national origin; ancestry; sex; age; marital status; familial status; sexual orientation; gender identity and expression; genetic information; disability; status as a veteran; or any other characteristic prohibited under applicable federal or state law.