How to Treat 和 Prevent Golfer’s Elbow

How to Treat 和 Prevent Golfer’s Elbow

Do you have pain in your elbow? Here's how to tell if it's golfer's elbow (和 what to do if it is).

如果你感到疼痛, inflammation 和 tenderness on the inside of your elbow that spreads to your forearm, you may have a condition known as golfer's elbow. 这个条件, also called medial epicondylitis, gets its name because it is commonly seen in golfers. But you don't have to play golf to get it. It's the result of anything that causes wear 和 tear of the tendons 和 muscles used to grasp objects or flex your wrist.

除了高尔夫, this condition may occur if you participate in racket sports, 举重训练, rock climbing or other activities that require repetitive use of the wrist or clenching of the fingers. The main difference between golfer's elbow 和 tennis elbow is that golfer's elbow occurs on the inside of the elbow 和 tennis elbow occurs on the outside of the elbow.

What are the symptoms of golfer's elbow?

If you have golfer's elbow, you may experience:

  • Pain, tenderness 和 inflammation on the inside of your elbow
  • Pain that extends along the inner side of your forearm to your wrist
  • 肘僵硬
  • Weakness in your wrist or h和
  • Numbness or tingling that radiates into one or more fingers

Symptoms may be worse with certain movements 和 may come on suddenly or build up gradually.

How do you treat golfer's elbow?

When pain 和 inflammation flare up, rest the area 和 avoid activities or movements that cause pain. Applying ice 和 using over-the-counter pain relievers helps ease discomfort. 如果使用冰块, apply to your elbow for 15 – 20 minutes at a time, but put a thin towel between the ice pack 和 your skin. Ice can be used about 3 – 4 times a day to ease inflammation.

如果休息, ice 和 OTC pain relievers aren't enough, get evaluated by a doctor to rule out any other issues 和 to get treatment recommendations. Wearing a brace or doing physical or occupational therapy may help. 在极少数情况下, 可能会建议进行手术, but this is usually a last resort option 和 is not often needed.

Is there a way to prevent golfer's elbow?

There are exercises you can do to stretch 和 strengthen the muscles 和 tendons in the area where golfer's elbow occurs. This may make it less likely you will develop the condition or that it will return once you get it. Ensuring your technique is correct when performing activities that typically cause golfer's elbow, such as swinging a golf club or tennis racket, can also help you avoid the pain 和 discomfort of the condition.


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Date Last Reviewed: January 19, 2023

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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