
The program consists of eight first-year positions (four categorical 和 four preliminary), 之后每年有四个职位, 包括总住院医师一年.  Many Guthrie residents go on to complete fellowships 和 about a third pursue a career in private practice.

Guthrie surgery residents have the benefits of excellent quality medical training while working with some of the nation’s top subspecialists.  Guthrie offers its surgical residents a unique combination of medical technology, 专业知识, 个人关注.

The 一般 surgery residency training program is designed to provide a broad based exposure in all traditional areas of 一般创伤 和 血管手术. 除了, the program features opportunities to learn 和 master more recent techniques including advanced laparoscopic surgery, 血管内手术, 外科超声. 




  • 管理信息系统旋转: 微创手术和减肥手术服务 
  • 杂志Onc: 外科肿瘤学和结肠直肠服务 
  • 外科医生远藤轮转: (Gastroenterology/Endoscopy): This allows residents protected time to procure the necessary training in colonoscopy 和 EGD, while allowing them to participate in the OR when endoscopic opportunities are not available. 
  • NF: 晚上浮 
  • 创伤: 这个轮转包括创伤和急症护理外科.  也有机会参与初始烧伤管理. 
  • 胸(CT): 这次轮换的重点是非心脏胸外科手术.  也会有在心脏重症监护室工作的经验. 
  • 康宁GS: This rotation includes a wide range of 一般 surgery procedures in a smaller community hospital, 世界博彩公司十大排名/康宁医院.  内分泌外科的经验也将在这里提供. 
  • Cortl和 GS: This rotation includes a wide range of 一般 surgery procedures in a smaller community hospital, 世界博彩公司十大排名/科特兰医疗中心.  内窥镜检查的经验也将在这个站点提供. 
  • 外科加护病房: The rotation includes experience with the full range of surgical ICU, including 创伤. 
  • 儿科外科及移植: These rotations are completed at Geisinger Medical Center located in Danville, PA.  这使我们的住院医生在这些领域有一个集中的经验.


  • 适用轮岗每周半天


  • 周五0700-1200 - 100%保护时间  


Guthrie offers its surgical residents a unique combination of h和s-on operating room access starting at the PGY-I year.  Our rural northeast 宾西法尼亚 location provides a diverse 和 complex volume of cases combined with state-of-the-art technology, 包括机器人手术.  住院医生也大量接触肿瘤外科手术, 包括妇科肿瘤手术.


The clinical exposure offered in 世界博彩公司十大排名的 General Surgery Residency Program offers a greater depth 和 breadth than most 一般 surgery training programs.  General Surgery residents at Guthrie have the added benefit of gaining exposure to a wide array of subspecialty cases in Basic 和 Advanced GI Endoscopy, 头颈肿瘤学和胸外科.  居民 receive direct attention 和 personalized instruction from the attending staff, 参与护理的各个方面, 包括手术和术后护理.



  • 依托我们的临床优势和全面整合的卫生系统
  • 解决临床实践中直接出现的研究问题
  • 满足我们所服务社区的医疗保健需求
  • translating the results of basic biomedical research into the way medicine is practiced in the community
  • 与我们的教育和专业发展计划相结合.

All residents within the General Surgery Program are expected to participate in scholarly activity.  The Donald Guthrie Foundation within The Guthrie Clinic facilitates resident participation in research projects.  每年, the Donald Guthrie Foundation manages over two hundred clinical trials which include sponsored trials from drug 和 device manufacturers, 联邦政府资助的临床试验和研究者发起的试验.  居民 interested in designing an investigator-initiated research project are also eligible to receive up to $5,000 in grant funding from the Donald Guthrie Foundation to support their research.
All faculty at Guthrie have an active interest in clinical research 和 have published in major journals.  居民 are encouraged to participate in clinical research programs 和 to present their results at local 和 national meetings.  The Guthrie Foundation assists residents in the preparation of manuscripts 和 presentations.  Guthrie residents can also benefit from collaborative research opportunities with the Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering at Cornell University.


The faculty of 世界博彩公司十大排名的 General Surgery Residency program is committed to providing excellent education.  外科服务区收治的病例均为教学病例.  The faculty are all full-time 和 on-site 和 devote a significant portion of their time to undergraduate 和 graduate medical teaching through rounds, 会议和手术室.


The American College of Surgeons requires a curriculum based on a system of didactic 和 psychomotor skills training.  世界博彩公司十大排名的 外科技能实验室 allows residents 和 surgeons to gain proficiency or master techniques in an environment outside of the operating room. 除了实际接触病人之前的动手训练, 技能实验室提供讲座, 实验课程和计划培训.  世界博彩公司十大排名的医生都可以来实验室.


  • 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院 is a sophisticated, regional, tertiary care center that receives many complex referrals.  Its location in northeastern 宾西法尼亚 is ideal for those interested in practicing in a rural setting, yet its status as an advanced care facility gives residents access to an extraordinary range of cases.
  • 格斯里康宁医院 contains five state-of-the-art surgical suites 和 two procedure rooms enhances patient safety 和 ease of communication among the surgical team.
  • 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心 state-of-the-art surgical suites 和 procedure rooms are designed to deliver high-quality care 和 great surgical results.


世界博彩公司十大排名是由一个完全集成的, electronic health record that helps ensure patient safety 和 contributes to a more effective 和 efficient st和ard of patient care.