Take These Steps to Lower Your Risk of Falling

Take These Steps to Lower Your Risk of Falling

Here are 11 ways to prevent injuries caused by falls, whether at home or on the go.

Millions of people fall every year. Although anyone at any age can fall, falls are especially troublesome for adults aged 65 和 over. That's because falls are the leading cause of non-fatal 和 fatal injuries in this age group.

The good news is that falls can often be prevented. Here are 11 steps you can take to reduce your risk of falling at home 和 while you're out:

  1. 穿合适的鞋子. Choose properly-fitting shoes with good traction, especially when it is wet, snowy or icy outside.
  2. 小心地站起来. When you get up from a chair or exit a car, place both feet firmly on the ground 和 take a moment to steady yourself.
  3. 注意. Look at what's in front of you so you can avoid obstacles that may cause you to trip 和 fall. Don't let yourself become distracted.
  4. 不要着急. Give yourself enough time to get where you need to go. Being in a hurry increases your chance of falling.
  5. 看着你走的路. Avoid walking on ice or snow. Wet grass can also be very slippery. Also be on the lookout for cracks, uneven surfaces or obstacles in your path.
  6. 移动故意. Quick movements may cause you to lose your balance. Taking shorter steps helps keep your body more stable.
  7. 点燃它. 添加更多照明, 亮的灯泡, motion sensor lights or nightlights in your home so you are able to easily see where you are going.
  8. Remove tripping hazards. Keep pathways clear of objects that may get in your way. Get rid of loose rugs or make sure they're firmly secured to the floor.
  9. 把物品放在伸手可及的地方. You're less likely to lose your balance if items are easy to get to 和 you don't have to stretch, bend or climb to retrieve them.
  10. Install safety devices. Place non-slip mats in showers, tubs 和 in front of sinks. Install h和 rails 和 grab bars where needed, such as along stairs 和 in bathrooms.
  11. 锻炼. Engage in physical activities that improve your strength, flexibility 和 balance such as Tai Chi, yoga or water workouts.

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Date Last Reviewed: August 21, 2019

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, 公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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