Symptoms of Common Running Injuries

May 2, 2023
Symptoms of Common Running Injuries


跑步是一种很受欢迎的运动,对身心健康有很多好处. 研究表明,每天只需跑步5到10分钟, four to five times per week, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke. 定期跑步也被证明可以改善睡眠和情绪. And it helps people lose or maintain a healthy weight. As an added bonus, 跑步是一项几乎任何人都可以做的活动, anywhere, 不需要特殊设备,也不需要昂贵的健身房会员费.

但跑步也是一项高强度运动,对膝盖、腿和脚的伤害尤其大. 如果你做得过度或者热身不到位,你可能会因为跑步而受伤.

以下是三种常见的跑步损伤和预防方法. 你还可以在下面找到恢复技巧和何时去看医生的信息.

Muscle Pulls

Also called muscle strains, this can happen when you overstretch a muscle, causing pain and limited range of motion. 肌肉拉伤最常发生在腘绳肌、股四头肌、小腿或腹股沟.

  • Prevention: Don't skip your warm-up. 当肌肉和肌腱没有热身时,它们就不能很好地工作,这可能会导致受伤. Before heading out, do a series of dynamic stretches, such as controlled leg and arm swings or slow lunges. 你也可以通过步行热身,然后逐渐增加到跑步速度.

Shin Splints

Also called tibial stress syndrome, 当你跑得比平时多的时候可能会出现胫骨夹板, especially on hard, high-impact surfaces like concrete. 它会引起沿胫骨的疼痛,通常可以通过休息来缓解. 如果你忽视疼痛,不让你的身体得到应有的休息, a shin splint can develop into a stress fracture, which is a hairline crack in the bone. 应力性骨折通常是由反复的压力引起的,会引起疼痛, swelling, bruising and tenderness.

  • Prevention: 跑步前一定要热身,并穿合适的支持性跑鞋. If you have flat feet, you're more likely to get shin splints, so you may also need special orthotic inserts. 尽量避免在坚硬的地面上跑步也很有帮助,不要跑得太多. If you have pain in your shin, 暂时停止跑步,这样你就不会出现应力性骨折, 哪一种更痛苦,需要更长的时间才能痊愈.

Runner's Knee

“跑步膝盖”一词被用来描述多种类型的膝盖损伤,这些损伤会导致膝盖骨后面的软骨受到刺激. The dull pain often becomes sharper after jumping, using the stairs or squatting, or after periods of prolonged sitting.

  • Prevention: 一定要先热身,避免在混凝土等坚硬的表面上跑步. 保持有规律的锻炼,使你的大腿肌肉强壮灵活. 确保你的跑鞋有足够的支撑力,如果你经常跑步,就要经常更换.

How to Treat These Running Injuries


如果你完全不能走路和/或你在受伤时听到“爆裂声”, see a doctor immediately.


  • Rest. 从跑步中休息一段时间,让你的伤口愈合. 休息多久取决于疼痛、肿胀和压痛持续多久.
  • Ice. 每隔一小时左右在患处冰敷20分钟,以减轻疼痛和肿胀. After 48 hours, switch to heat if you still have pain.
  • Compression. 用弹性绷带包裹患处,以帮助减少肿胀. 轻轻地按压,不要太紧.
  • Elevation. 抬高患处,也有助于消肿.

如果你的疼痛减轻了,几天后你可以正常活动了, you can gradually resume your normal activities. Just don't overdo it. 如果你仍然感到疼痛,或者疼痛消失后又重新开始活动, give your body more time to heal. 如果疼痛或肿胀加重,或者走路困难,请去看医生.

Sports Medicine at Guthrie

当受伤时,我们理解快速恢复对运动员的重要性. That’s why our team of sports medicine 护理人员有一个共同的目标——让我们的运动员尽可能快速安全地回到比赛中.
我们的护理人员有能力处理各种各样的运动损伤, offering injury evaluation, concussion management, physical therapy, surgical procedures and more. 除了庞大的网络世界博彩公司十大排名供应商跨越众多专业, 我们可以确保您的运动员得到最好的照顾, no matter the condition.

Schedule an Appointment

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Date Last Reviewed: April 14, 2021

编辑评论:安德里亚·科恩,鲍德温出版公司编辑总监. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Andrew Overman, DPT, MS, COMT, CSCS

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