How to Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer

How to Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer

Here are some of the best ways to help lower your colon cancer risk.

You may be able to reduce your risk of colon cancer by eating a low-fat, 高纤维饮食, taking an aspirin a day 和 getting enough vitamin D. 预防结肠癌的最好方法, 然而, is to stay up to date with your recommended colorectal cancer screenings. 结肠镜检查 is the gold st和ard for colon cancer screening because it identifies polyps [precancerous growths]. Colon cancer can be prevented or treated more successfully when polyps are found early 和 removed.


The risk of colon cancer begins to rise at the age of 50, which is when physicians advise most patients to get their first colonoscopy. Individuals with risk factors should talk to their physicians about early screening. Risk factors include a family history of colon cancer, African American heritage 和 excess weight.

Remember, most people don't have symptoms until the disease has progressed 和 is harder to treat. 筛选就是答案.


While early detection is the most important step you can take to reduce your risk of colon cancer, 一天一片阿司匹林也有帮助. Talk to your doctor to see if aspirin therapy is right for you.

研究 has shown that people with a history of polyps or colon cancer get fewer new polyps after they start taking an aspirin a day. Plus, aspirin not only helps to prevent colon cancer, but coronary artery disease as well.

Vitamin D also plays an important role in colon health. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, which researchers now believe reduces the growth of abnormal cells in the colon.

Reduce Your Risk With A Healthy Diet

Every year, more than 146,000 people in this country are diagnosed with colorectal cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men 和 women. You can reduce your risk by eating foods that are full of fiber, low in saturated fats 和 rich in vitamins. 这里有一些指导方针.


  • Fruits, vegetables 和 whole grains - Full of fiber, these foods dilute carcinogens 和 pump up the body's antioxidants. Fruits 和 vegetables have also been shown to reduce cancer recurrences, increase survival rates 和 decrease risk of secondary tumors. Good choices: berries, broccoli, onions, oats 和 green tea
  • 含叶酸的食物 Folate has been shown to reduce the risk for genetic mutations, which can cause cancer cells to multiply. 不错的选择:柑橘类水果, 草莓, 绿叶蔬菜, 豆类, 坚果, 种子和芦笋
  • 钙和维生素D Recent studies have shown that adequate calcium 和 vitamin D may help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Good choices: low-fat or skim vitamin D fortified milk, 和 fish containing omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon 和 mackerel


  • 〇高脂肪食品 Limit consumption of full-fat dairy products, red meat 和 poultry skins. A diet high in fat increases the risk of many diseases, including cancer.
  • Charred, smoked or overcooked meats - Some researchers have determined that overcooking or charring meat on the grill may increase the production of carcinogens, 哪些是致癌物质.
  • 〇酒精饮料 Heavy consumption of alcohol has been linked to colon cancer. Limit alcohol to two drinks or less per day for men 和 one drink or less per day for women.

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