

Skip the bottled drinks—this is why pure water is best for your body.

我们的生活完全依赖于水. The human body is made up of about 60% water 和 every bodily system needs it to function. Water regulates body temperature, heart rate 和 blood pressure. It's also essential for healthy skin, hair 和 nails.

It's important to drink enough 流感ids every day to keep your body properly hydrated. Many factors contribute to how much you need to drink. Your overall health, medications, exercise level 和 diet all affect your body's hydration needs. 随着温度的升高, you're also more likely to sweat 和 that can lead to dehydration if you don't replace lost 流感ids.


Signs of dehydration include 头痛, as well as feeling tired, cranky or thirsty. Your urine may be dark or you may not urinate much. 你的嘴可能会感到干燥. If you experience these symptoms, your body is telling you it needs more 流感ids.


喝水是补充水分的最好方法. Many people don't like drinking water so they think they can substitute other drinks in place of water to stay hydrated. Many bottled drinks are marketed as a means to not only help with hydration, 而是为了提供维生素, 矿物质和其他有益健康的福利. 然而, these drinks are typically not as healthy as you think—和 some may even cause you to become more dehydrated.

The drinks listed below may serve a specific purpose, but they shouldn't be a replacement for water on a regular basis:

  • 增强水: Water-based drinks boasting that they're filled with vitamins may not be as good for you as you think. Many contain vitamins, such as B 和 C, that are rarely lacking in the average person's diet. What they do contain is sugar or artificial sweeteners. 例如, a 20-ounce bottle of Vitaminwater has about 30 grams of sugar—almost as much as a bottle of soda. You're better off drinking plain water 和 getting your vitamins from food.
  • 味水: While water is the main ingredient in most of these drinks, pay close attention to the labels. Some use artificial sweeteners, while others add natural sweeteners. They may also contain artificial flavors 和 colors—things you don't get when you start with water 和 flavor it yourself.
  • 运动饮料: These are designed for highly active people who participate in intense athletic activities. 如果这还不能描述你, sports drinks probably shouldn't be a regular part of your diet because they typically contain a lot of sugar 和 sodium, which may contribute to weight gain 和 high blood pressure.
  • 能量饮料: While many energy drinks contain vitamins, they also contain caffeine 和 often sugar. Drinking these on a regular basis may lead to heart arrhythmias, 头痛, 高血压和焦虑. Read labels carefully to see what's in any drink you consume 和 don't use these drinks as a regular source of hydration.


Since water is the best way to stay hydrated, it's worth finding ways to make it more appealing. If plain water doesn't tempt you to keep sipping, try these tips:

  • 喝碳酸水,比如普通的苏打水
  • Add slices of lemon, lime, cucumber or orange
  • Infuse water with chopped mint leaves or basil
  • Mix seltzer with a touch of cranberry or any natural fruit juice (3-parts seltzer:1-part juice)
  • Drink iced herbal or green tea (decaffeinated only 和 skip the sweeteners)


Although you should aim to get most of your 流感id needs by drinking water, you'll be happy to know that some fruits 和 vegetables also help keep you hydrated. Naturally-hydrating foods that also supply loads of other nutritional benefits include water瓜, 橙子, 葡萄柚, 瓜, 芹菜, 黄瓜和西红柿.

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