Does 更年期 Cause Weight Gain?

does menopause cause weight gain?

Do changing hormones doom you to gaining weight or can you stop it from happening?

If you're a post-menopausal woman 和 are struggling to prevent weight gain, you may wonder if there's anything you can really do or if your hormones 和 metabolism are to blame.

Why does menopause cause weight gain?

There's no doubt that metabolism typically slows about 5 - 10% each decade as you age. But although metabolism 和 hormonal changes play a role, the primary cause of weight gain in post-menopausal women results from being less physically active as you age.

One of the best ways to prevent weight gain after menopause is to increase physical activity. The more you move, the more calories you burn 和 the more you help boost your metabolism. 公司lude the following types of activities in your routine:

  • 有氧运动. Whether you choose to walk briskly, 慢跑, 自行车, 划船或爬楼梯, aim to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic physical activity on most days of the week.
  • 力量训练. Weight lifting or resistance training 2 or 3 times a week helps increase muscle mass. Having more muscle helps increase your metabolic rate.
  • 整洁的 (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). Studies show that in addition to regular exercise, metabolism is affected by everyday "non-sitting" activities. These can include things like cleaning your house, tapping your toes or pacing while on the phone.

Of course, exercise alone is not enough to prevent weight gain. 限制垃圾食品, 糖和白面粉, increasing fruit 和 veggie intake, 和 eating moderate portions of healthy meals 和 snacks are all positive dietary strategies. And when it comes to your diet, it's not all about eating less. 研究 has shown the following habits to be damaging to metabolism:

  • Eating too few calories. Your body tries to conserve fat if your calorie intake drops too low. And if you lose weight by slashing calories too much, you'll lose muscle along with fat. Less muscle reduces calorie burn.
  • 少吃蛋白质. Eating protein boosts your metabolism more than eating carbohydrates or fats. Protein also helps maintain 和 build muscle mass.

底线? You're not doomed to gain weight once you reach menopause. A well-rounded diet along with plenty of exercise will help keep post-menopausal pounds at bay.

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Date Last Reviewed: May 8, 2019

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, 公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 艾琳·恩格尔,医学博士

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