Can I Have Sex after a 心脏病?

Can I Have Sex after a 心脏病?

These 5 tips can help you resume sexual activity comfortably 和 safely 心脏病发作后.

There are likely many questions running through your mind after having a heart attack. One very common one is whether it is safe to have sex – 和 if so, when it is safe to do so.

It's normal to feel uncomfortable talking about sex with a health care provider, but don't be embarrassed to do so. Sex is part of a healthy 和 enjoyable life – 和 you will not be the first person who has ever discussed sex with your doctor.

Many doctors advise that you can have sex again once you are able to do moderate physical activity, like walking briskly or climbing stairs, without pain or other symptoms.  Others may want to first perform a test to check the health of your heart.  The factors that determine when any individual can resume sexual activity will be different 和 that's why it's best to talk to your doctor.

Even once you've been given the green light to have sex again, you may feel uneasy. If you do, you are certainly not alone. Here are 5 tips that may help:

  • Be open with your partner. Talk openly 和 honestly with your partner so you can each share your concerns. You're likely not the only one worried about having sex 心脏病发作后.
  • 慢慢来. 逐渐恢复性生活. Begin with being intimate in ways that won't stress your heart 和 progress as you feel comfortable.
  • 放松. Stress 和 anxiety can interfere with sexual activity in both physical 和 emotional ways. Find a time 和 place that makes you feel comfortable.
  • 倾听你的身体. Just as with any type of exercise, pay attention to warning signs. Take it easy or stop if you have pain, shortness of breath, dizziness or palpitations. If your symptoms don't go away with rest, call your doctor.
  • Discuss sexual issues with a professional. Some people experience sexual problems, such as loss of interest or erectile dysfunction, 心脏病发作后. Counseling or medication may help.

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Date Last Reviewed: July 27, 2021

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, 公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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