

Here's how to keep your child on the field, rather than sitting it out on the sidelines.

Sports injuries in children 和 teens are becoming increasingly more common, especially as kids play the same sport year-round. If your kids are gearing up for another season of their chosen sport, you may be wondering how you can keep them safer 和 reduce their chance of injury.

Here are 8 things you can do to make it less likely your child will get hurt playing sports:

  1. 带你的孩子去做体育锻炼. Many teams 和 schools require kids to get a sports physical before the season begins, 但即使不是必需的, 这是个好主意. Whether done by your own pediatrician or another healthcare professional, these check-ups help determine if a child is fit for play 和 can identify any areas of concern.
  2. 检查他们的设备. Protective gear is designed to protect athletes from injury. If your child has been using the same equipment for a while, check it to make sure it still fits properly 和 is in good condition. Also make sure kids have well-fitting 和 supportive footwear.
  3. 帮助孩子学习正确的技巧. Many injuries occur when an athlete doesn't do things the proper way. Whether it's hurting an elbow from throwing a baseball incorrectly or being more prone to concussions by tackling an opponent in a dangerous manner, not knowing the proper technique can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to young athletes getting hurt.
  4. Stress the value of warming up 和 stretching. Many injuries can be avoided by warming up 和 cooling down before 和 after sports activities. Encourage your child to perform static 和 dynamic stretches to loosen muscles 和 increase flexibility. Also suggest that kids cross-train so they build up stamina 和 strength without always stressing the same muscles.
  5. 确保孩子们休息. This includes not only getting enough sleep but also taking rest days during training 和 between seasons. The most common 运动损伤 in kids 和 teens are overuse injuries, 和 these are due to continually doing the same thing over 和 over without giving the body time to rest 和 recover.
  6. 强调适当的水分和营养. Make sure your child underst和s how important it is to stay well hydrated before, 运动期间和运动后, especially when it is hot out or they are performing a hard workout. Also encourage them to fuel their body with foods that are healthy, rather than filling up on junk food before or after a game.
  7. 解释直言不讳的重要性. Sometimes kids try to play through pain because they want to appear tough or are afraid to tell someone that something is wrong. Explain to your kids that if they don't ask for help when they are hurt 和 try to keep playing through it, they can wind up experiencing a more serious 和 long-lasting injury.
  8. 鼓励轮换运动季节. With so much push to excel, many kids 和 teens are playing the same sport year-round. 但这可能会导致过度使用伤害. Encourage your child to play a different sport in the off-season. Also limit how many teams they can be on at any one time.


When an injury strikes, we underst和 how important a fast recovery is to your athlete. 这就是为什么我们的团队 运动医学 caregivers share one common goal – to get our athletes back in the game as quickly 和 safely as possible.
Our caregivers are equipped to h和le a wide variety of 运动损伤, 提供损伤评估, 脑震荡管理, 物理治疗, 外科手术等. In addition to the vast network of Guthrie providers across numerous specialties, we can ensure your athlete receives the best care possible, 无论条件如何.


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Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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